11 products
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Trinnov Audio is a French company founded in 2000 by the genius of Arnauld Loborie, Sèbastien Montoya and Rèmy Bruno, audio and reproduction enthusiasts, who have always based their theories on the spatial dimension of sound. Any sound event, in fact, has two aspects, one temporal (recognition of the different sounds), and the other spatial, ie the identification of the place where that sound occurs. While from a temporal point of view, also thanks to the new high-definition formats, the limits of human capabilities have been reached and exceeded, on the contrary, current technologies offer little to spatial reconstruction, and it is precisely here that Trinnov has found his space in the market, thanks to a busy research program that even led it to develop a proprietary algorithm for reproducing the acoustic field and to specialize particularly in the field.
On these bases the production of Trinnov audio ranges far and wide in audio processing at all levels, offering an absolute processing power in its products, which is based on a linux machine (therefore totally updatable), and through optimization functions in relation to the environment and to the speakers in fact absolutely unique.

Triinov products are equipped with an extremely powerful and versatile software that guarantees results of the highest level only if used by competent and highly experienced technical personnel. For this reason Videosell sells Trinnov products exclusively together with the calibration service. Our technicians are not only able to make the most of the equalization and bass management tools of the products, but by using a second audio analysis system to check the results obtained independently of the target curves proposed by Trinnov, which are pure mathematical simulations, make further manual corrections to ensure a correct result.
A further great potential of Trinnov products is represented by the possibility of defining different calibration presets according to the contingent use (Home theater, Concerts, Stereophonic music, Multi-channel music)
In any case, no active acoustic calibration system can do without a passive acoustic treatment of the environment which makes it suitable for audio reproduction.